Architecture | 2011 Archive.

01 | Stairway to Heaven. 02 | Architectural Voyeurism. 03 | ABC Museum, Illustration and Design Centre | Madrid, Spain. 04 | Architect's Holiday Houses. 05 | Garden Shed by Ville Hara and Linda Bergoth. 06 | Beautiful Car-Park. No, I’m...

Ciao for Now… Oh and Some News!

Once again we reach the day when it’s time to pack up for the year, take a bow (and a little break), and also thank you – my wonderful readers – for your amazing support during 2011. Not only has this site grown so much...

Wrapped Interiors by Penique Productions.

Penique Productions is a design and art collective with multiple homes in Barcelona, Madrid & Rio de Jenairo. Formed in 2007 by Sergi Arbusà, Pablo Baqué, Chamo San & Pol Clusella, this talented group of young artists come from different...

Private Moon | Leonid Tishkov & Boris Bendikov.

Oh my… This… Is… Something else. You see, I often feel like I am becoming jaded in my daily research for this blog, due to constant overexposure to pure awesomeness, but every once in a while something very special...

Red Bull HQ in Amsterdam | Sid Lee Architecture.

As a practicing interior designer, one of my personal pet-hates are over the top, tricked-up, gimmicky workplaces that try too hard and look outdated from the moment they are conceived. Yuck! Unfortunately I come across far too many...

Library Spaces.

What is it about books? How do they manage to make a space so damn sexy I wonder? Is it because we all strive to be a bit smarter on some level, and feel as though a large mass of books is going to make us feel more intelligent? Or at...

Design Free Thursday | Vintage Weight Gain Ads!

"Good news for thousands of girls who have no sex appeal!" "If you want to be popular, you can't afford to be SKINNY!" Holy $hit batman, has the world we live in changed or what? Not only are these politically incorrect slogans the...

Hotel The Exchange | Amsterdam.

The genius of Dutch design studio Ina & Matt strikes again (I previously blogged about their work here) - this time in the form of a concept hotel in Amsterdam called Hotel The Exchange. Conceived and presented more like an art...