Interviews | 2011 Archive.01 | Interview | Bianca Chang. 02 | Interview | DesignByThem. 03 | Interview | Dion Horstmans. 04 | Interview | Katherine Lu. 05 | Interview | Troy Emery. 06 | Interview | Page Thirty Three. 07 | Q&A with Yuko Shimizu | Guest Post by...
Furniture, Lighting & Products | 2011 Archive.01 | Product Love | Available in Australia. 02 | Furniture and Folds | Guest Post by Justine of Upon a Fold. 03 | Inspiration Cloud. 04 | Cinnamon Lee | Guest Post by Cesar Cueva of Metalab. 05 | Thin Black Lines. 06 | Diamonds are a...
Art | 2011 Archive.01 | Kyle Bean. 02 | Paper Art Extravaganza. 03 | Paper Cloth by Violise Lunn. 04 | Myoung Ho Lee | Tree Series. 05 | Jaime C. Knight. 06 | Elana Herzog. 07 | Art With Fire | T-Radya & Paul Chojnowski. 08 | Street Art Takes on Eames. 09 |...
Architecture | 2011 Archive.01 | Stairway to Heaven. 02 | Architectural Voyeurism. 03 | ABC Museum, Illustration and Design Centre | Madrid, Spain. 04 | Architect's Holiday Houses. 05 | Garden Shed by Ville Hara and Linda Bergoth. 06 | Beautiful Car-Park. No, I’m...
Ciao for Now… Oh and Some News!Once again we reach the day when it’s time to pack up for the year, take a bow (and a little break), and also thank you – my wonderful readers – for your amazing support during 2011. Not only has this site grown so much...
Design Free Thursday | Vanitas by James Hopkins.London based artist James Hopkins creates trompe l’oeil perspectives transforming every day objects on shelves into sculptures looking like skulls. AWE and them...
Wrapped Interiors by Penique Productions.Penique Productions is a design and art collective with multiple homes in Barcelona, Madrid & Rio de Jenairo. Formed in 2007 by Sergi Arbusà, Pablo Baqué, Chamo San & Pol Clusella, this talented group of young artists come from different...
Private Moon | Leonid Tishkov & Boris Bendikov.Oh my… This… Is… Something else. You see, I often feel like I am becoming jaded in my daily research for this blog, due to constant overexposure to pure awesomeness, but every once in a while something very special...
Red Bull HQ in Amsterdam | Sid Lee Architecture.As a practicing interior designer, one of my personal pet-hates are over the top, tricked-up, gimmicky workplaces that try too hard and look outdated from the moment they are conceived. Yuck! Unfortunately I come across far too many...