Ken Hermann's Explosion 2.0 | Yellowtrace

Mesmerising Cloud Explosions by Ken Hermann.

You’d think photographing explosions would yield fairly aggressive results. One would expect the lens to capture chaotic and destructive images. So it comes as somewhat of a surprise that the images by photographer Ken Hermann are about...
Suspended Sofas, Cocoons & Nests by Porky Hefer | Yellowtrace

Suspended Sofas, Cocoons & Nests by Porky Hefer.

If you ever felt there wasn’t enough variance when it comes to hanging chairs, you haven’t heard of Porky Hefer. If the name sounds unusual, wait till you see his art, or his chairs. At times it’s hard to decipher which is which....
The Implied Escalation to Violence 2016 by Jonathan Dalton | Yellowtrace

Fictitious Realism by Sydney Artist Jonathan Dalton.

Sydney-based artist Jonathan Dalton's works are dominated by dark, tinted scenes that hint at an unfolding and curious story that the viewer has to imagine from the characters and their ambiguous surroundings. Dalton is obsessive about...