Stories On Design: Green Architecture Curated by Yellowtrace

Stories On Design // Green Architecture.

What comes to mind when you think of ‘green architecture’? The notion may conjure images of vertical gardens, vegetated roofs or trees in interiors, but the concept is much more than meets the eye. Green architecture, or green...
klee klee Fashion Store in Shanghai by AIM Architecture | Yellowtrace

klee klee Fashion Store in Shanghai by AIM Architecture.

Taking its name from Tibetan phrase for ‘slow down’, klee klee is an exploration of minimalism and low-impact production that results in high-impact design. AIM Architecture's concept for this clothing store in Shanghai plays on the...
London Design Festival 2017 Highlights | Yellowtrace

Highlights From London Design Festival 2017.

Welcome to our coverage of London Design Festival 2017 highlights, in which we bring you our round-up of the finest events and products #LDF17 had to offer, leaving no stone unturned, no press release unread, and no link unclicked. It will...