WELCOME! Collection by Chiara Andreatti for FENDI | Yellowtrace

WELCOME! Collection by Chiara Andreatti for FENDI.

During the 10th edition of Design Miami/, FENDI presented WELCOME!, a space designed for "good living", featuring furniture pieces by young Italian designer Chiara Andreatti. With her furniture collection of FENDI, Chiara Andreatti...
Stories On Design 2017 Archive | Yellowtrace

Stories On Design | 2017 Archive.

Today we conclude our roundups of 2017 archives with a personal favourite and something I am most proud of – ‘Stories on Design’, our most widely read and shared content, and the most engaging for our readers and our social...
#YellowtraceTravels & Other Travel Stories 2017 Archive | Yellowtrace

#YellowtraceTravels & Other Travel Stories | 2017 Archive.

Our selection of travel stories from 2017 includes essential city guides for Italian cities Siena and Milan. Dana's visit to the Expormim factory in Valencia, Spain was a personal higlight, while Nick enjoyed shooting our visit to the...
Hospitality & Restaurant Interiors 2017 Archive | Yellowtrace

Hospitality & Restaurant Interiors | 2017 Archive.

Hospitality Interiors make my heart race faster. In other words, I love them, and I know you do too, because these types of spaces affect us all when we are out of our homes and doing wonderful things like socialising with friends, going...
Art, Graphics & Illustrations 2017 Archive | Yellowtrace

Art, Graphics & Illustrations | 2017 Archive.

This is another one of those multi-categories that cover areas spanning Art, Graphics and Illustration, with just a little hint of Random Fun (aka Design Free Thursday) to keep things interesting, left-of-field and amusing. We may...