Ahhhh, Nendo, Nendo, Nendo… Is there ANYTHING you people cannot do? Seriously? Your talent it almost sickening. Except, I am completely in awe and too dazzled to feel sick right now.
Anyway, back to the story. What you are looking at here is the first major retrospective exhibition which celebrates seventy years of work of internationally-known Japanese milliner Hirata Akio. Designed by Nendo of-course.
Nendo’s aim was to make Hirata’s hats stand out by mixing them with over 4,000 mass-produced non-woven fabric hats especially created for this exhibition. The white ‘ghost hats’ represent the antithesis of Hirata’s carefully handmade hats, and bring them into sharp relief through dramatic contrast. The entire installation floats in the space like a cloud, which gently invites and guides the viewers through a non linear path, encouraging them to “wander and discover Hirata’s creations as they like, as a way of physically experiencing the creative freedom that underlies Hirata’s work.”
This exhibition is held at the Srial Garden in Tokyo, and it will run until July 3rd, 2011.
[Photos by Daici Ano.]
Amazing!! The shadow pattern on the flooring is mesmerizing too.
I am so repetitive with my weak attempts at humour (especially today as I am frantic at work) but .. here goes ..
I take my hat off to you for finding such a cool exhibition (-:
Ha ha Linda. Nice one!
I know what you mean Dana, I am actually starting to feel sick from too much Nendo amazingness. I die.
This is absolutely beautiful and so well thought out.
Another amazing find Dana!
Thanks guys. And Linda – you are HILARIOUS! I’m kicking myself that I didn’t think of it myself! Very disappointing. Lame-ass jokes are my speciality :)
As a hat wearer this is heaven.
I love that Nendo has the creative concept to give people a small “!” moments.
Alas they have their dose wrong again and I am havinag a major “!!!!” moment.
It is with such delicate creativity that they highlight Hirata Akio’s beautiful work. Each hat being allowed to shine amongst the mass produced “ghosts” – it is just so sublime!