A Week Of Reflection Dana Tomic Hughes Yellowtrace


Dear Yellowtrace Community,

These past few weeks have been unimaginably challenging and sad. These are profoundly troubling times, and as someone who built a community committed to fostering connection, I know how acutely aware we are of the multifaceted humanitarian issues unfolding worldwide, particularly in Gaza and Israel.

I’ve wrestled with what to say and how to say it and the repercussions of taking any such actions. But what I’ve come to realise is that not saying anything is ignorant. It also fails to acknowledge our collective heartbreak, worry, disbelief, stress, confusion, anger, uncertainty…

Having personally witnessed the profound impact of war during childhood and adolescence, I have a deep understanding of the devastation and human tragedy that conflicts can cause people and places. This life experience has imprinted in me a lasting empathy for those affected by such disasters and first-hand awareness of the long-term, often irreversible damage to communities and their environments for generations to come.

I’ve found the impacts of the last few weeks deeply triggering, and unfortunately, I know I am not alone.

They say the truth is the first casualty in war and that speaking about conflict is extremely complex. We live in a time with powerful propaganda machines at play, manipulated images and footage, while people avoid speaking up because of imbalance and fear of getting cancelled.

This time of reckoning forces us to confront our assumptions and biases, no matter who we are.

I understand that the Yellowtrace community is diverse, with various perspectives and opinions. I don’t wish to diminish the significance of anyone’s pain or polarise our community. Instead, I aim to create a space of respect and contemplation that focuses on the human aspect — the lives, stories, and spirits of those affected.

In light of this, we have decided to observe a week of silence across all Yellowtrace channels. This pause will begin on 20 November and end on 26 November 2023. We will not publish new stories and updates from our side during this time. This decision is not made lightly, as we believe in the power of communication and the importance of staying informed.

This week of silence is our way of stepping back to honour the innocent lives that have been tragically lost and acknowledge the myriad of human experiences and deep suffering happening globally. We take a public stance on fundamental human rights and condemn any acts of violence, destruction, indiscriminate killing of civilians and especially children, racism, antisemitism and apartheid, and call for an immediate ceasefire.

During this week, please join us in this period of reflection. We hope to consider how we, as a global community, can contribute to a world where understanding, peace and compassion are the foundations upon which we build our future. It’s a time for reflection and thinking deeply about our role in our shared humanity.

We will resume regular activities on 27 November 2023 with renewed perspectives and heightened empathy. Until then, we thank you for your understanding and support.

With nothing but love,

Mama Yellowtrace



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