I attended a super inspiring seminar last week by Marcus Buckingham who spoke about Finding Your Strongest Life, and what the happiest and most successful women do differently. By the way, to all men out there, the concepts Marcus talks about definitely do not just apply to women. In preparation for the seminar, we were asked to do a Strong Life Test which determines your profile and helps lead you in a direction of discovering a role you were born to play. Sounds very complicated and heavy, but it’s not. It’s fun, interesting and absolutely fascinating (to me anyway). So if you are like me and into “that kind of stuff”, I encourage you to take the test, look Marcus up, follow him on twitter, or buy his book and/ or go to his seminar if you have the opportunity.
So… The point of this long winded story was that I’ve discovered a thing or two about myself since taking the test, hearing Marcus speak and reading the book. Turns out that I’m a bit of a Motivator. I know – how strange. Not! Especially to those of you who know me (and know how much I love to talk). Which explains my little addiction to clipping, bookmarking and saving all these quotes and words which I wanted to share with you today.
Most have nothing to do with design, but I still find them highly amusing, funny and inspiring.
x dana
{all images via my pinterest}
omg i love this! i needed this this morning :) my favourite is the one in the top left “i like nice things and people who make me happy”.. well i do. and i love the pink one about walking around the house like a fucking champion.. fucking brilliant!! and who wouldn’t want to keep calm and call batman? he he.. made me smile.
ha ha ha, kk – the pink one is my absolute favourite. cracks me up every time! and i love the one about milkshake bringing all the boys to the yard… damn right, it’s better than yours… *dana breaks out into a song and starts krumping*
so glad i made you smile today. thank you for letting me know xx
love it! and I checked your pinterest (could you have any more online stuff going on D?) I have a few I could add to the collection – will email them over.
Marcus Buckingham was very clever – I also recommend.
s-j x
fantastic. love the miracles take 48 hours down the bottom (very applicable to my clients) .. and the high heels bigger than your *&$& .. and albert einstein’s .. and, well, I like them all … great collection.
I want to put some of these up on my wall. Motivator, yes you are!
Just did the Strong Life test and apparently I’m a Creator – I like the sound of that!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by yellowtrace. yellowtrace said: On yellowtrace » Design Free Thursday | Amusing and Inspiring Quotes. http://bit.ly/c843UO […]
i need so many of these matras – too bloody funny!
will do a bit of marcus reading over weekend – sounds cool. jx
“the only thing that keeps me going is how brilliant and amazing I am.” << That is my new mantra! Love it, Dana! Thank you…
Hi! I made the “Keep Calm and Call Batman” poster. I know it’s not exactly original, as it’s part of the “Keep Calm” meme, but I did work hard on the crown and poster, so credit would be nice. <3
Original post of it is on Tumblr here: http://gaila.tumblr.com/post/575766592 and it's also on my Deviant Art account here: http://koboot.deviantart.com/art/Keep-Calm-and-Call-Batman-163318528
Thanks so much!
Hi Gaila,
Thank you for your note. I make a very conscious effort to credit each image that I place on my blog. This collage was difficult to reference and there were so many images, but I’ve linked back to my pinerest account where each image links back to it’s original source, including yours. Well done on the poster – it’s a cracker!
Cheers, Dana.
i like the trying 2 b normal but i b mehself!!! sooo cute >.<
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